My Reason for Obedience

My Reason for Obedience

As I prepare for my upcoming journey overseas, my mind keeps drifting back to the winding path that brought me here. A major part of that journey was my time at Mercy Hill, spanning both my college years and the two-year residency. These years weren’t just a...
Cruise Control Christianity

Cruise Control Christianity

Cruise Control Christianity   My heartbeat surrounding the collegiate residency at Mercy Hill Church hasbeen the people. I love the relational aspect that comes with campus ministry.Because of my residency position each week, I’m given ample opportunities towork...
The Perfect Recipe

The Perfect Recipe

The Perfect Recipe   First thoughts of residency… As I’ve spent the past year and a half in the college residency at Mercy Hill, I have experienced tremendous growth through theological education and hands-on ministry. What I hear week to week in the classroom...
Growing In A Greenhouse

Growing In A Greenhouse

Growing In A Greenhouse   Now that the two-year college ministry residency is coming to a close, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting. I can say with honesty that these past two years have been the best years of my life. That is not to say they’ve been the easiest...