Discipleship is the Mission

May 14, 2024

What if we took the Great Commission seriously? What if instead of just seeking to convert as many nonbelievers as we can, we seized the opportunity to invest into their lives and make disciples that went out and multiplied, not just converts who sat on their hands.

Discipleship is something that each and every believer has been called to, and so if God has called us to that, then surely, He will equip us for it! Personally, in my life, I have always cared for leading people and caring for them, but prior to the college ministry residency I didn’t feel specifically equipped nor did I have the tools to disciple people well. I knew why we had been called to care about discipleship, but I didn’t know how to do it.

My experience in regard to discipleship prior to being a college ministry residency was that, while I had been intentionally poured into by several women in my life, I did not feel as though I had been equipped or given the tools to replicate that discipleship in the lives of others. I knew how it felt to be discipled and I knew the value of it because of the innate value God so clearly gives it in scripture. I desired to disciple people well, but I didn’t know logistically how to go about doing it! Then came residency! 

During my time as a resident on UNCG’s campus and at Mercy Hill, I not only grew in my knowledge of how to strategically disciple people well, but I also grew in my dependence on God’s Spirit to accomplish things in the lives of those I disciple! I learned that discipleship is most successful and God-honoring when it is Spirit-empowered. 

In residency there were so many different ways and opportunities that I was given to better understand discipleship. One way was through seminary education. While all the courses we took had a positive impact on equipping me to be a better disciple, there was one specific semester where we took a course focused on discipleship which helped me to biblically understand what it meant to disciple and be discipled. But overall, I think just growing in my theological understanding of scripture and other theological topics helped me to be better prepared to disciple others. In addition to the seminary aspect of the residency, I also had the opportunity to lead small groups! Leading a small group was really where the rubber hit the road and I was able to directly apply those things I was learning in seminary. I cannot even put into words how growing and impactful it was for me to disciple the young women I did during my time as a resident. The disciple/discipler relationship goes both ways; while the Lord grew and sanctified them as they were being discipled by me, I can honestly say that the Lord sanctified and wildly grew me right alongside them! I was able to more clearly understand and see different aspects of God and scripture up close as I discipled and empowered those young women to live sent lives, boldly proclaiming the gospel everywhere they go and to multiply the same discipleship they experienced into the lives of those around them. 

So again I ask, what if we took the Great Commission seriously? What if instead of wasting our time avoiding intentionally investing in the lives of those around us, we were obedient with the calling God has placed on each and everyone of our lives, to go and make disciples? I think that we would find so much more purpose in our lives, because it’s quite literally what we have been made to do. I think that the Lord would be so much more glorified in the multiplicative disciples that we would make, than in the time we now selfishly spend keeping the gospel and all that God is teaching us to ourselves. Live life with people, allow yourself to be deeply known by those around you, be generous with your time and your talents and your treasure (because they aren’t even yours to begin with), and invest in people’s lives knowing that God loves them just as much as He does you! I pray that God would break and shape your heart to love and desire the things that He does. I pray that you would see the value in discipleship! I can attest to the fact that being a college ministry resident will help you to better understand discipleship and how to effectively and biblically be a discipler!

– Charlotte M. (College Ministry Resident)