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Growing In A Greenhouse

Growing In A Greenhouse

Growing In A Greenhouse   Now that the two-year college ministry residency is coming to a close, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting. I can say with honesty that these past two years have been the best years of my life. That is not to say they’ve been the easiest two years, but the best...

Making an Impact

Making an Impact

Making An Impact   During my senior year of College at East Carolina University, I had no plans for pursuing a ministry residency until around December. I was an accounting major and enjoyed the internship that I had, but there was a verse in Ecclesiastes that altered how I was thinking about...

I Left A Career I Loved…

I Left A Career I Loved…

I Left A Career I Loved...   A little over two years ago, I decided to leave a career I loved. This was not a decision I took lightly or made easily. One of my closest friends was with me the night I accepted the Mercy Hill residency offer via email, and even then, I struggled with the...

How a Church Residency Shaped Me for Church Planting

How a Church Residency Shaped Me for Church Planting

How a Church Residency Shaped Me for Church Planting   “Alright Jon, I think I’ll plant a church. What are we thinking as far as the timeline? Next year or something?” How ignorant of me right? I was a 21-year-old kid with a calling and some zeal. I felt called to plant a church, and the...

Why Include Theological Education in a Church Residency?

Why Include Theological Education in a Church Residency?

Why Include Theological Education in a Church Residency?   To some, getting a degree in theological education was never even a consideration. To others, some sort of seminary degree is just the default next step. Theological education is also an option that some people forget about...

My Journey Into Ministry: Reflections On Christian Ministry

My Journey Into Ministry: Reflections On Christian Ministry

My Journey Into Ministry: Reflections On Christmas Ministry   Residency at Mercy Hill has been a unique experience that has been a springboard for living my life strategically for the mission of God. I came into residency not knowing if church ministry was something that I wanted to pursue...