Cruise Control Christianity

Cruise Control Christianity

Cruise Control Christianity   My heartbeat surrounding the collegiate residency at Mercy Hill Church hasbeen the people. I love the relational aspect that comes with campus ministry.Because of my residency position each week, I’m given ample opportunities towork...
The Perfect Recipe

The Perfect Recipe

The Perfect Recipe   First thoughts of residency… As I’ve spent the past year and a half in the college residency at Mercy Hill, I have experienced tremendous growth through theological education and hands-on ministry. What I hear week to week in the classroom...
Does a Church Residency Slow Me Down?

Does a Church Residency Slow Me Down?

Does a Church Residency Slow Me Down?   With so many churches searching high and low to fill staff positions with even marginally qualified leaders, we have to ask the question: Does doing a church residency actually slow me down? The answer isn’t as simple as...