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I Left A Career I Loved…
I Left A Career I Loved... A little over two years ago, I decided to leave a career I loved. This was not a decision I took lightly or made easily. One of my closest friends was with me the night I accepted the Mercy Hill residency offer via email, and even then, I struggled with the...

How a Church Residency Shaped Me for Church Planting
How a Church Residency Shaped Me for Church Planting “Alright Jon, I think I’ll plant a church. What are we thinking as far as the timeline? Next year or something?” How ignorant of me right? I was a 21-year-old kid with a calling and some zeal. I felt called to plant a church, and the...

Why Include Theological Education in a Church Residency?
Why Include Theological Education in a Church Residency? To some, getting a degree in theological education was never even a consideration. To others, some sort of seminary degree is just the default next step. Theological education is also an option that some people forget about...

My Journey Into Ministry: Reflections On Christian Ministry
My Journey Into Ministry: Reflections On Christmas Ministry Residency at Mercy Hill has been a unique experience that has been a springboard for living my life strategically for the mission of God. I came into residency not knowing if church ministry was something that I wanted to pursue...

Does a Church Residency Slow Me Down?
Does a Church Residency Slow Me Down? With so many churches searching high and low to fill staff positions with even marginally qualified leaders, we have to ask the question: Does doing a church residency actually slow me down? The answer isn’t as simple as the question is! In some ways,...

Will a Church Residency Give Me an Edge in the Job World?
As a College Pastor, I have spoken to many folks interested in a Church Residency. I am often asked something similar, “If I do a Church Residency but don’t decide to go into vocational ministry afterward, will that put me behind in looking for a job in the marketplace?”. I get asked a lot of...